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Our Features

ETO Sterilization performs a consequential role in the process of cleaning surgical instruments.

Sterilization is a term referring to any process that eliminates or kills all forms of microbes, including transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) that have shown their presence on a surface, contained in a fluid, in pharmaceutical preparation, or in a compound such as biological culture media.

steris surgical solutions eto service

Automatic Cycle

The basic ETO sterilization cycle consists of five stages (i.e., preconditioning and humidification, gas introduction, exposure, evacuation, and air washes) and takes approximately 6-8 hrs including aeration time.

steris surgical solutions eto service

Safe & Sustainable

Ethylene Oxide is a commonly used method of sterilization of medical devices and surgical instruments. It's considered a safe and effective method to sterilize the concave surface of medical devices which can't be sterilized by other means. It helps to deliver quality patient care.

steris surgical solutions eto service

Low Tempreture

It helps to eliminate microbial life from surgical equipment, unlike other methods that use high-temperature steam exposure.

steris surgical solutions eto service

Highly Efficient

It penetrates the packaging of the products, making it highly versatile when it comes to Sterilization and delivers the required sterility assurance level (SAL).

steris surgical solutions eto service

Large Sterilizing Volume
/Chamber Capacity

For the Sterilization of large quantities of products (shapes & sizes) that cannot fit and be sterilized by other means.

steris surgical solutions eto service

Non Corrosive

The ethylene oxide permeates and dissipates from the material, making it the most non-corrosive method to sterilize delicate instruments, scopes, and products that are heat and moisture sensitive.

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